Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday thoughts

Here I am with my posse on our way to church (9:00am now!)...I'm trying to be a good sport about the fact that Brian will never be in this picture on Sundays with us. His new Young Men President calling has him going to an earlier meeting so I'm on my own with getting everyone ready for church. It's gotten easier since the kids are a little older...Ellie is still a challenge.

Strangely enough, I'm always on time (actually 10 minutes early) when I'm in charge of getting the troops ready on my own. I'm not quite sure why this is...

There was a quote given by Bishop H. Burke Peterson that I really appreciated hearing today in our Relief Society lesson given by Jen Pond on "Loving Ourselves...Becoming Women of Greater Faith"

"One of the greatest challenges is to overcome the feeling that we are unimportant, that we are not special and unique. Do you think for a moment that Heavenly Father would have sent one of His children to this earth by accident, without the possibility of a signifigant work to perform? You were preserved to come to the earth in this time for a special purpose. Not just a few of you, but all of you. There are things for each of you to do that no one else can do as well as you. If you do not prepare to do them, they will not be done. Your mission is unique and distinctive for you. Please don't make another have to take your place. He or she can't do it as well as you can. If you will let Him, I testify that our Father in Heaven will talk with you through the journey of life and inspire you to know your special purpose here."

I love being reminded about individual worth!

**Are you more efficient with your time when you don't have help?

**Do quotes on individual worth inspire you?

**Is that gooniest picture of me or what?!


  1. We were all on time today! First time in months. You'd think we'd just switched to afternoon church, bu t I found it easier to get out of the house this morning because there weren't any other activities that needed to be stopped.

  2. I love that quote. I did need to hear that today especially. Thanks!
    No, the pic is not totally goony, just a little bit. :)

    and lastly, I am so NOT efficient with my time at all. Unless it is something I want to do, or at work.

  3. Kate guided my way over here to read your quote on Individual Worth. We also had the Individual Worth lesson in our ward today but we didn't hear that specific quote. What a wonderful reminder that we each have a job to do and if we feel too sorry for ourselves to do it somebody else will have to take on the burden. I've never thought of it in that specific way before. THank you for sharing that.

  4. Great quote. Thank you for sharing it. I found a link to your blog from another site. (I have to admit that I, too, have an easier time getting to church on time when I know that my husband can't help. Strange.) Thank you for taking the time to share something so uplifting!

  5. I'm definitely more efficient with my time when I don't have help because I know I can't rely on anyone else. I also think my husband adds to the chaos sometimes because he's so slow to get ready. It's ridiculous.

    I love this quote (and love it that you're posting Sunday Thoughts) and am going to copy it and use it for my spiritual thought next time I have to give one at Presidency Meeting.

    I definitely love quotes about Individual Worth and think that's something that most women need constant reminders about.

  6. I love your blog! I am always more on time with morning church than afternoon - I don't know why.
    I like to remember that even though I may not do things just like someone else, my way of doing it is important to someone - we all have unique perspectives and abilities.
