I found out something new about myself this past weekend...
I love to camp! Seriously! Who knew?!
I don't know why it's coming as any surprise to me...
I love being around nature...I love the outdoors....I love campfires...and surprisingly, I did OK without my nightly bubble bath...There were, of course, bathrooms not far from where we were with running water (does that still count as camping?)
Early in the summer, my friend, Leisha sent out an e-mail trying to coordinate a camp out for anyone in our ward who was interested in going...We ended up with 7 families...(about 40 people)

Here is the gang stuffed into the van like sausages. I tried to think of every detail, but alas, I was missing many key items...(hot dogs for roasting on the fire, anti-itch spray for bug bites, kettle for heating up hot chocolate, hot chocolate, sausage and pre-cooked bacon for breakfast, an awning, beach towels and my swimsuit!, (can't believe I forgot that!)

We had the smallest tent of any of the families...It worked out fine because the kids are still little enough, but we were pretty stuffed in there...

We went over to the lake after we got set up on Saturday...
The adults had fun chit chatting while the kids enjoyed boating, swimming and playing in the sand.

Each family took care of their own breakfasts and lunches but we all came together for the evening meals..
I was in charge of the main dish for Saturday night...(pulled barbecue chicken and junior league salad). In addition to that, we had a fruit salad and a delicious potato salad (courtesy of Costco)...

For dessert, the Seguine's made baked bananas with marshmallows, and chocolate chips. Oooh la la. We also had a fabulous dutch oven dump cake courtesy of the Muellers...

Oops! I forgot to take off the tags to my fleece before I came. So much for passing myself off as a seasoned camper! This made for some good laughs!
Ellie's tends to be a bit on the...how shall I say it?...Clutzy side of things. I'm not sure I could even get into some of her predicaments even if I tried...(and that's saying a lot since I'm not the most graceful person in the world either)...
She was taking a bite out of her burned...er...I mean "heavily roasted" marshmallow when an ember flew off and landed on her nose...

The spray pancake mix is so handy!
Ellie and Whitney getting warm by the fire...

Connie brought her paints and brushes for the kids to do a Sunday morning craft...
They all got to paint rocks...It was such a big hit!
(calling all ice packs!)
None of us could settle on their favorite picture...I guess this is always the case when you get a bunch of women together...
(Leisha, Pam, me, Jen, Kelly, Connie, and Amanda)
Everyone got along so well...I just loved how the kids were so occupied with each other...
There was always something to look at or someone to talk to...
Later on in the day, we all hiked to a waterfall where several people were taking turns jumping off of the cliffs...

On the hike back, Ellie tripped on a rock (I was surprised this was the first time that this happened). Thank goodness Brian works for Johnson and Johnson! We go through band aids by the case full!

The water was ICE cold but beautiful...

(Ellie was still grumpy from the previous "biff"...)
We had a delicious pulled pork burrito with lots of yummy toppings...
For dessert, she made a cozy dutch oven apple crisp...
Here is a picture of all the families that went on the camp out...
It was such a nice experience...One that I will always remember...
It was such a nice experience...One that I will always remember...
Reilly's a campfire girl like me!
We didn't catch anything, but they had fun trying, at least...
A weekend filled with beautiful weather, good food, campfire chats, and lots of laughter...
It was all so very worth it, though...
A weekend filled with beautiful weather, good food, campfire chats, and lots of laughter...
The most challenging thing about this whole weekend was trying to figure out which pictures to post on my blog...there were so many good ones to choose from...
Go HERE to view the rest of the photos on smugmug---
I think this is going to become a tradition!
You camp in style!
ReplyDeletelove it. i haven't been camping in years. It looks like everyone had a great time!
ReplyDeleteI loved it too! There are some GREAT pictures. We should definitely do it again! Don't forget your trustee camping fleece;)
ReplyDeleteloved the pictures and the extra ones too! It looks like you had a great trip and will have great memories for years to come!
ReplyDeleteWow! Beautiful park and great pictures. Did you just list three injuries of Ellie? Poor girl...I love camping...we were going to go over Labor Day, but the idea of all the work involved to get ready just wasn't appealing to me this time. We stayed home and got lots of sleep.
ReplyDeletewell well, look at you! savvy stewardist, to duck-raising camper! looks like you had a lot of fun, with ellie's predicaments aside. feels like i was there!
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your trip with us- it almost makes me want to go camping again!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like a great trip! You look skinny--did all those spinning classes do the trick? Love your post!
ReplyDeleteI love it Shannon! My favorite picture is the one with all the little girls at the beach. Thanks for a great time!
ReplyDeleteIt was a good time. I think I gained 5 pounds from all the yummy food! I must have eaten three s'mores Monday morning before we packed up and headed for home!!
ReplyDeleteBest trip I've had in years! Why? We had GREAT people, FUN conversation & YUMMY food. Everyone "let it all hang out".
ReplyDeleteWell...I certainly did! Thanks for not posting that photo. :)
Same time next year? Same people? Same great time? Sounds like a plan my good sista'.
I'm sending my 3 blog readers over here for the camp summary since I'm too lazy to do it myself. Besides, you have all the great pictures. Thanks for documenting the trip. Great memories for years to come!
ReplyDeleteoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i didn't get to go camping. This is one of the few blog topics I enjoyed reading though it did make me jealous. I had to teach the sunbeams because scott sheffield was camping with all the cool people in the ward. I'll never say yes again. Now I know why andrew tippets wasn't in class-HE was camping too. okay, maybe i didn't enjoy reading it as much as I thought I did. Theres an old song about being "in with the in crowd" and "going where the in crowd goes". I now know what that song was all about. Time to go inactive!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe didn't get that email! :(
ReplyDeleteWOW! what a fun trip, i'm so glad you got to go with such a big group of fun families, that makes it all the better for sure!
ReplyDeleteok, and pooooor ellie. oh man, i was exactly like her growing up, and sad to say, it hasn't changed as an adult! once, at disneyworld, i got up from eating lunch to find ketchup squirted ALL OVER my khaki capris. the crazy thing is, i didn't even EAT ketchup with my meal! i had a salad! what the heck?! anyway, i'm glad you work for J&J, she's going to need a lifetime supply it sounds like!
ok, and one more thing. i had a dream last night that you were my new neighbor! so funny, and random, hopefully i didn't just creep you out! :)
Wow! That looks like a blast. And you look too good to be camping! The banana dessert looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy everything about camping except for the sleeping in a tent part. And the dirt. But that water and sand looked fabulous, and the waterfalls too!
i am not a camper, but i always think the idea is the MOST idyllic summer postcard. looks too good to be true
ReplyDeletePoor Ellie....I hope she still had fun despite all of her little accidents.
ReplyDeleteWe did not get to camp once this summer and I missed it. It is a lot of work but a lot of fun and so nice to be away from the world.
All of the food looks really yummy!!! Glad you had fun!
What a fun thing to do! I'm sure camping with a crowd made it that much more entertaining for everyone, especially the kids.
ReplyDeletePoor Ellie, she must be awfully brave to keep trying to do things if falling and getting hit are her usual M.O..