Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Terrain...

My friend, Ann and I had lunch last week at my favorite store/cafe in the whole world...

...T E R R A I N!

It's a well curated garden and home store that inspires me each time I visit...(Anthropology owns it, so the home goods, stationary, dishes etc. are all a mixture of eclectic, creative and downright adorable).

While I didn't capture any of the actual food aspects of our day, (creamed mushroom soup with black truffle oil, quiche and cauliflower fritters), I did take pictures of some garden inspirations...

I love the idea of growing wheatgrass in a container and then taking it out after it gets to it's root bound stage and placing it on a cake stand...wouldn't that be cute with a few colored eggs nestled in for an Easter table?

This burst of color is exactly what these "winter logged" eyeballs needed to see...

now THIS is a gardeners sink!


I always like getting inspiration for terrariums and fairy pots...

And who wouldn't be charmed by this little visitor?...
I can almost hear him proclaiming that "Spring is Here at last"!


  1. Wow- I wonder if they have any other stores... or are planning on growing a chain of stores. This is gorgeous- truly. Perfect place of you!
    It's so good to feel spring in the air- I wish I had your talent & energy in the garden.
    You amaze me!

  2. I so wish I could come and get gardening lessons from you! I love all these inspirational photos and know that your yard will end up being magazine worthy soon. I have no patience or know-how when it comes to yard work so I end up yearning instead.

  3. That wheat grass thing is a daily affair for us. (we have wheat grass juice)
    Love that gardening sink.
