Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School

Oh my goodness, I have a child in middle school!
Never will all three of my kids be at the bus stop together again...

(The first day of school was actually delayed for a week because of Hurricane Sandy.
So many people lost power that they were forced postpone the start date).

So here he is...my 7th grader...
I've never seen anyone obsess so much about binders!
He's super excited for this year to begin!

The rest of the gang...

Reilly...4th grade

You can't see me, but I'm singing the song..."And mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again!"

It was a long summer and we were all glad to begin the school year routine...


  1. Hi,Shannon:)
    So nice to see you here:) I hope that you are doing great:) I am Marcy's sister,Kim:) I live in Oregon now with my hubby,Larry:) George and I are divorced. Take care:) keep in touch. Love your blog:)

  2. do you now if boy legs are for sale
