Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just plain busy!

In preparation for Brian's brother, sister in law, her parents and their five kids coming to the east coast for a visit, I've been in major project mode. (They will be driving from Sandy, Ut. in an RV and staying with us for about a week.)

Brian took Reilly and Jake today and met his brother and family in Gettysburg.

I've decided to take Ellie and me out of the equation this weekend as it involves a marathon trip to Gettysburg and then onto DC (tre' boring for a four year old)...I will probably bail out of a few other day trips next week as well since I can't imagine Ellie getting through the day without having a meltdown.)

Ellie and I stayed home and went to the pool, Chik-fil-a, Kids Castle ( a local park) and lit sparklers and snaps in the driveway)

In addition to mowing 2 acres of grass, cleaning the house, making lunches and dinners, doing the bedtime routine for the kids, cleaning out the duck pen, changing the cat box, and being the "tooth fairy", here's what else has been keeping me busy...

I baked and froze chocolate chip cookies...

Packaged up a few pieces of upcoming birthday "good mail". I knew I wouldn't have time when our company arrived to get to the post office, so I got that out of the way early...

I made these little goody bags for the the kids and their cousins...(ages range from 16 to 6)

here's what I put inside each bag...
bubbles, twizzlers, pop rocks, sparklers, snaps, bottle pop candy

I made 2 yogurt pies (to go with the one I already have in the freezer)

2 big pans of baked ziti

1 pan of enchiladas

double batch of granola

coffee cakes

took the cheesy shower door off (by myself, thank you) and scraped off the goo and grime. I put this pretty shower curtain up and was amazed with what such a simple change makes! Why didn't I do this sooner?!

I primed and painted all the knots that kept seeping through the wood on the bead board in both bathrooms...
I sprayed my roses to prevent the inevitable blackspot that always hits around this time not to mention the Japanese beetles that have already been sighted...

And washed and folded mounds of laundry...

I'm not sure how much I'll be blogging over this next week or so...
I haven't been very motivated to blog lately with all of these extra things going on...I'm sure once the summer is over, I'll get back into the swing of things...

**What's been keeping you busy?


  1. I really, really want to eat at your house.

  2. Wow, you HAVE been busy!!! Those chocolate chip cookies looked great.

    I am not as motivated to blog in the summer either. Although, there is plenty going on. Possibly a little bit too much!

    It's quite a trip to have family in town for a week. It sounds like you are super prepared and on the ball!

    Enjoy your relatives!

  3. Goodness gracious, you're out of control! I'm totally impressed and inspired by your preparations and productivity. I love how having company can be such a great motivator for change! Have a great time with your guests!

  4. I can't believe how much you accomplished. I think I could do that much in a month? Enjoy your company, sounds like you are completely prepared for them.

    I know what you mean about blogging. It is a totaly stretch to blog my usual ammount. Summer is just too much fun to sit at a computer.

  5. Seriously, if ever there was a SuperMom, that would be you!!!

  6. What drugs are you on??? Seriously, you are on overdrive. I hope things calm down before you get exhausted!

  7. WHOA!!!!!!!! i cannot believe how much you got done!!! i'm seriously a slacker- i'm struggling to even get laundry folded- last night i considered not folding it for the next year- just stuffing it into places...or leaving it all in the dryer and pulling it out as needed...

    if i baked cookies to freeze- they would be eaten. really. i don't have that kind of self-control! :)

    btw- we got your package friday! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! K was over the moon- and me too. We have had a ton of fun and he is so excited about spiderman toothpaste!!!!

  8. I really think blogging is a winter hobby! Have a great summer--and good work getting so much prepared for your company!

  9. yikes, you are THE president of the domestic goddess club, seriously compared to you i hate to admit how lazy i have been. you overachiever!

  10. Holy moly, girl! Just reading that makes me exhausted...and very impressed!

    Have a wonderful time with the guests. I, too, would enjoy being a guest with that kindof preparation!

    You're too much! Great documentation and no wonder there have't been any posts!

    Carry on.

  11. I don't know how you do it all Shannon. Amazing!
    p.s. those cookies sure look good:-)

  12. You're making me look bad - oh, so bad.

  13. YIKES!!!!! i'm sure we'll be talking!

  14. What a lot of preparation! Seriously impressive. I love the goody bags for the kids, too, what a great idea.
