Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's time for my company to leave!

I've been dealing with some unwanted guests lately...

which would explain for my lack of posts and comments to others...
(I'm giving it another day for the antibiotics to kick in and put an end to my crushing headache and neverending cough--so bear with me)
This final sickness episode must mean that spring has officially arrived!
P.S.--It's probably a good thing at this point that there is rain in the forecast for Saturday and the neighborhood egghunt/spring luncheon that I had planned will have to be cancelled...


  1. Oh no! I hope you kick that to the curb soon.

  2. Hope you are doing better, and YOUR mother is driving me nuts. I think she has gotten the hang of downloading pictures by now. We shall see. :)

  3. So sorry you've been sick. You have been missed! You had said how busy you were going to be...Isn't it funny how Heavenly Father sends things to slow us down? Not that he wanted you to get sick. But maybe you needed to take it easy.

  4. oh man, no egg hunt? Well, that gives you time to recover and less things on your plate. But being sick is not a good alternative either! Feel better:-)

  5. you poor thing! I was miserable for 3 weeks in March, so I know where you're coming from.

    Hope you feel much better soon.

  6. feel better. Feeling run down is for the dogs! A mom needs to be on top of her game.

  7. It must be bad if you are looking forward to the rain to cancel your event! I hope that you feel better soon!

  8. BLAH to sickness! I'm not feeling better either, but I sure hope you start feeling better soon!

  9. I am so sorry. I sure hope you get rid of those unwanted guests. I hate it when they come. Have a great week.

  10. gross, i hate it.

    the plague snuck into our apartment a few days ago and is making the rounds.

    hope you feel better soon. like right now.

  11. oh man, i hate the crazy spring weather! warm then cold then warm then cold, no wonder you're sick! get feeling better soon. sending you healthy, happy, cough drop free thoughts...

  12. so glad you went to the doctor!

  13. yuck! Sounds like you might have the same thing Jill has...

  14. Oh that's the pits. That makes it challenging to get outside and play in that beautiful dirt you just got.

  15. I'm still hacking my brains out and I'm so ready for this to be gone!! I envy your antibiotics.

  16. ugh!!! i'm so sorry you're sick!!! i'm behind on blog reading and i hope you're well by now...

    whatever illness is going around (and by around, i mean the entire united states) is seems to linger forever!
